Steak lovers often rave about the taste, sensation and succulence of their cuts of meat—a topic that consistently sparks excitement and discussion among food enthusiasts! For those curious about the factors that contribute to the qualities of a steak dish,…
Choosing your first bong is a wild experience. Bongs, of course, come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re looking for a small and discreet bong to take with you on the go, or a top class bong that will…
The kitchen is a great place for chefs to share their wisdom. These sayings are often effective reminders of personal safety, like “Hot stuff is hot”. They can also rhyme, as in the classic “If you have time to lean you’ve…
Due to the unending love of food by people, the restaurant business has been one of most successful and lucrative businesses in history. Many people invest in the restaurant industry today, and many of them succeed. Food will always be…
It is important to get the highest quality meat possible to ensure it is safe for consumption. Here are some tips on how to find the best meat at your local grocery store. Check the information on the label Even…
When I first saw the Bon Appetit article suggesting that I add sliced jalapenos and rose to my bouquet, I considered getting mad. Still, I remembered telling you to add pickles to your shitty beer. I was too tired to feel any…
My love for cocktails is a constant reminder to me that I need to go back to basics. I am easily seduced by the idea of learning something new about the familiar and old. Although they are great, I am…
Although it may be September, it doesn’t mean it’s still hot outside. It’s best to sit poolside with something cool to drink to beat the heat. You may not have the luxury of a pool, but I will do my…
You’ll need to find ways to make Thanksgiving easy for large groups. Garlic is a versatile and popular savory ingredient. However, it can be a bit off-putting for those who are not tolerant of garlic to load the turkey with…
Creamy cocktails are not my thing, except corn milk punch. I wouldn’t say I like the taste of cream and half-and-half, so adding full-fat dairy to an ethanol cup can cause curdling problems. A touch of creaminess can make a cocktail…