How to win ‘Sober Oct’ even if you drink a little
You may have guessed that Sober October is an initiative to get people to stop drinking alcohol for a month. It was started in 2014 to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support UK. Since then, it has become a global trend thanks to the rise in alcohol consumption accompanied by COVID.
Although there are many other “dry” month campaigns, such as Dry July and Dry January, I believe October is the best time to take a wagon ride for 30 days. You’ll likely drink more at Christmas and Thanksgiving, but October is the best time to take a wagon ride. There’s something about winter approaching that encourages solitude, sobriety, and self-assessment. Plus, “Sober October” rhymes.
October’s sobriety: The Benefits
Going without alcohol (or cutting down on it) for a month is more than a chance to test your willpower. It has real benefits. You will have more money in your pockets, feel better about setting goals and reaching them and reap the many health benefits of abstinence for a brief period.
Tips for a successful sober October
Our culture has given alcohol a strange role. Although it is a potent, addictive and potentially fatal drug, it is readily available and accepted by society. Even if you don’t depend on alcohol, all this can make it difficult to say “no” when needed. These tips will hopefully make October sober a little more enjoyable.
Choose activities that do not involve alcohol. You could go to bars and sip club soda, but that’s not the point. Instead, October is a great month to do all the fun, non-alcoholic things you have meant to do. Visit the observatory. Learn to dance. Play pickleball. Volunteer. Take part in a corn maze walk. There are many options.
Get more exercise. Have a little fun with your drink.
Take it one at a time. This is the famous AA tip. Do not think of quitting for a month; instead, think about giving up drinking for today. It’s easier to break down the time into manageable chunks.
Treat yourself to something more. It’s fun to make elaborate mocktails. Eating a piece of chocolate is also fun.
Do not worry if you make a mistake. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the entire thing will be ruined if you have one too many. You can always start over. You don’t have to keep score.
If you don’t think you can do it
Participating in sober October helps you be more mindful of alcohol and encourages you to be honest with yourself. You can be dependent on alcohol but not fully realize it. It is possible to abuse alcohol without becoming addicted.