Garlic Confit deserves a place on your Thanksgiving Table.

You’ll need to find ways to make Thanksgiving easy for large groups. Garlic is a versatile and popular savory ingredient. However, it can be a bit off-putting for those who are not tolerant of garlic to load the turkey with large amounts of fragrant stuff. For garlic lovers, however, there is never enough. Confit garlic can be served as a side dish to any main dish. It gives garlic an extra flavor that everyone can enjoy.

Garlic confit can be described as cooking garlic cloves in oil. Confitting can be done with any food, including, most commonly, chicken. It involves submerging the delicious morsel into liquid fat and slow cooking it over low heat. The confit produces a soft, spreadable, and mellow garlic allium. The cooking process removes the garlic from its sharpness, leaving it fragrant and toasty. However, the flavor of garlic remains unchanged. It is similar to roasted garlic in texture and consistency. While a head roasted garlic would be a good idea, giving each guest a ramekin with garlic confit is a good idea. This will allow your guests to enjoy the extra delight of having olive oil enrobing each clove. Grab a clove of garlic and smear it on any dish that can use a garlicky boost. You can quickly transform plain rolls into garlic rolls or mashed potatoes into garlic butter or mix it with your stuffing.

It is easy to make your garlic. The hardest part is removing all the garlic paper from each clove. There are tips. A ramekin is a good choice for cooking garlic. These are great for practical reasons. Not only is it less needed to submerge garlic, but ramekins look beautiful and can be used as a serving vessel for Turkey Day. Place one head of garlic per two garlic lovers and all the nude cloves in a ramekin. The stem tip can be removed if desired, but I prefer not to. The stem tip will all become soft in the end. Once all the cloves have been covered, pour olive oil into a ramekin. Bake the dish at 250°F for one hour and a quarter to two hours or until the cloves, are softened and have a light brown hue.

Confit is perfect for a movie night or afternoon when you want to relax and have the ability to turn the oven down and return in just a few hours. The confit can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. This delicious condiment is not something you should have on your stress list. Cover the garlic in the oil they were baked in and keep it in the refrigerator. You can remove the garlic in the morning to bring it to room temperature. You might be worried about the olive oil solidifying if you take it out of the fridge before the dinner service. This is normal. This is normal. Flaky salt can be sprinkled on top to give it a unique flavor boost, making it a hit at the table.


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